

QtNodes is a Qt-based library designed for graphical representation of the node graphs and performing various operations on them.


The project is built with help of the CMake configurator. Therefore it is quite easy to incorporate the library into any CMake-based Qt project.

As of version 3.0 the library uses the Model-View approach. The central class AbstractGraphModel is a starting point for user graph models. It wraps the data representing the graph and forwards it to the BasicGraphicsScene – a class responsible for populating QGraphicsObject items and showing them on the QGraphicsView widget.

The library could be used for two purposes:

  1. General-purpose graph visulalization and editing.

  2. Computing data in the nodes and propagating it through connections.

The “headless” mode is also supported. It is possible to create, delete, connect and disconnect nodes, as well as propagate data, without assigning your AbstractGraphModel derivative to a BasicGraphicsScene.

Examples Directory Layout

The examples could be found in the directory examples:

  • graph. Demonstrates usage of AbstractGraphModel for general graph visulalization and editing.

  • dynamic_ports. Shows what needs to be done to dynamically create and destroy node ports.

  • lock_nodes_and_connections. Demonstrates two capabilities of “non-detachable” connectinos and “locked” nodes (non-movable, non-selectable).

  • legacy “data flow” examples from versions prior to 3.0: - text. Text is propagated between the nodes. - calculator/main.cpp. Dataflow-based implementation of the simplest

    calculator. We use an advanced model QtNodes::DataFlowGraphModel capable of storing the registry of NodeDataModel and propagating user data beween the nodes.

    • calculator/headless_main.cpp. The example loads a scene saved by a GUI-based calculator example and computes several results without creating GUI elements.

    • connection_colors. Demonstrates the ability to color the connections in correspondence to the connected data types.

    • resizable_images. The examples shows how to embed a widget into nodes and how to make the nodes resizable.

    • styles. The example demonstrates graph style customization.

Feedback Wanted

Make a request on Github if something is unclear in the code or in the documentation.