Feature Overview

Graph object IDs

Nodes and Connections do not have any dedicated data instances. Instead, all the relevant data is stored inside a user-defined GraphModel class inherited from AbstractGraphModel.

// Definitions.hpp
using NodeId = unsigned int;

Each node is associated with a unique integer NodeId which is returned from the function NodeId AbstractGraphModel::addNode(QString).


This is the responsibility of the model to generate unique NodeId s.

The ConnectionId is nothing else but a combination of input and output NodeId values with the corresponding PortIndex:

// Definitinos.hpp
struct ConnectionId
  NodeId    outNodeId;
  PortIndex outPortIndex;
  NodeId    inNodeId;
  PortIndex inPortIndex;


The serialization is supported at the moment by DataFlowGraphModel. Should you implement your own derivative of the class AbstractGraphModel, it’s up to you to support the serialization using the existing helper functions. An example of such a code could be found in src/DataFlowGraphModel.cpp.

In order so save the whole scene we normally make a loop over all the nodes and save their data in a Json arrray with a key “nodes” and then over all the connections which are saved in an array “connections”.

A typical node Json saved for the data flow scenario looks as follows:

  "id" : 0,
  "internal-data" : {
    "model-name" : "Subtraction"
  "position" : {
    "x" : -383,
    "y" : -95

The section internal-data is filled by the specific data of the node itself and is created in the function DataFlowGraphModel::saveNode(NodeId). In the data-propagation workflow we store a name of the model there. In your application it could be any internal additional data, i.e. an internal node state.

The Json for a serialized Connection in this case looks very simple:

  "inPortIndex" : 0,
  "intNodeId" : 1,
  "outNodeId" : 0,
  "outPortIndex" : 0

The data above is produced by a function DataFlowGraphModel::saveConnection.

Code Example

See the function DataFlowGraphModel::save() in the file src/DataFlowGraphModel.cpp.


In order to support the undo/redo capabilities we employ the standar Qt’s class QUndoStack . We keep a stack instance inside your BasicGraphicsScene (or its derivatives).

Some default QUndoCommand s are already implemented in the file src/QUndoCommands.cpp

The command DeleteCommand uses serialization to store the information of the removed objects, namely AbstractGraphModel::saveNode(NodeId) and AbstractGraphModel::saveConnection(ConnectionId). Make sure you override these functions in your derived graph models.

Wrapping your Graph Structure

If your task is to visualize a graph specific to your application and you do not need the basic “data propagation” semantic implemented in this library (DataFlowGraphModel, DataFlowGraphicsScene), you might need to derive from AbstractGraphModel and implement several abstract functions.

The models follows pretty much the ideas underlying the Qt’s QAbstractItemModel. The class delivers the IDs for all the existing scene objects, the model is responsible for generating such unique IDs. You should deliver information about nodes via AbstractGraphModel::nodeData and assign the data to nodes using AbstractGraphModel::setNodeData. The passed and returned data is wrapped into the data type QVariant

The pivotal enum that defines type of the information we need to obtain is called NodeRole. See the file include/QtNodes/internal/Definitions.hpp.




It corresponds to the type of the node and is described by a QString value. For example, in the data-flow models we return the name of the NodeDelegateModel that needs to be instantiated by NodeDelegateModelRegistry.


QPointF position of the node on the scene.


QSize the size of the internal area of thet node. Typically it is used by embedding a widged inside a node.


bool that defines whether to show a node’s caption.


QString defines whether to show a node’s caption.


Node editor’s internal json structure returned as a QVariantMap that defines colors, gradients and effects for the node painting


QJsonObject converted to QVariantMap that serializes the iternal node’s state.


unsigned int – the number of input ports.


unsigned int – the number of output ports.


QWidget* a pointer to allocated QWidget instance that must be embedded into a node. If nothing is embedded, it must be nullptr by default.

Code Example

For the usage see examples/simple_graph_model.

Node and Scene Styling

Default Node, Connection, and GraphicsView styles are stored in a centrall class StyleCollection.

Each default style is parsed from an internal Json string and stored in a corresponding data-class. Below you’ll find the contents of the Json strings at the moment of writing this documentation.


  "GraphicsViewStyle": {
    "BackgroundColor": [53, 53, 53],
    "FineGridColor": [60, 60, 60],
    "CoarseGridColor": [25, 25, 25]


  "NodeStyle": {
    "NormalBoundaryColor": [255, 255, 255],
    "SelectedBoundaryColor": [255, 165, 0],
    "GradientColor0": "gray",
    "GradientColor1": [80, 80, 80],
    "GradientColor2": [64, 64, 64],
    "GradientColor3": [58, 58, 58],
    "ShadowColor": [20, 20, 20],
    "FontColor" : "white",
    "FontColorFaded" : "gray",
    "ConnectionPointColor": [169, 169, 169],
    "FilledConnectionPointColor": "cyan",
    "ErrorColor": "red",
    "WarningColor": [128, 128, 0],

    "PenWidth": 1.0,
    "HoveredPenWidth": 1.5,

    "ConnectionPointDiameter": 8.0,

    "Opacity": 0.8


  "ConnectionStyle": {
    "ConstructionColor": "gray",
    "NormalColor": "darkcyan",
    "SelectedColor": [100, 100, 100],
    "SelectedHaloColor": "orange",
    "HoveredColor": "lightcyan",

    "LineWidth": 3.0,
    "ConstructionLineWidth": 2.0,
    "PointDiameter": 10.0,

    "UseDataDefinedColors": false
Code Example

For the usage see examples/styles and examples/connection_colors.

Vertical Layout

This feature might seem to be a bit “raw”. I haven’t had good use cases from real life projects to polish the code and the resulting node layout and rendering.

The current node layout in a vertical mode looks as follows:

|  PortCaption   PortCaption  |
|                             |
|        Node Caption         |
|                             |
|                             |
|         PortCaption         |
Code Example

For the usage see examples/vertical_layout.

Dynamic Ports

Dynamic Ports operations are driven by functions of the class AbstractGraphModel:

  • AbstractGraphModel::portsAboutToBeDeleted

  • AbstractGraphModel::portsDeleted

  • AbstractGraphModel::portsAboutToBeInserted

  • AbstractGraphModel::portsInserted

The function with the name “AboutTo” prepares the changes:

  1. It computes the new connection IDs that are to be applied after the change is done.

  2. It removes the existing connections that would have invalid addresses after modifications.

The functions porstDeleted and portsInserted create the new precomputed connections with the correct IDs.

If you want to modify the number of ports in your code, it should approximately as follows:

void YourGraphModel::addPort()
  portsAboutToBeInserted(nodeId, PortType::Out, 1, 2);

  //   The function call above has prepared the insertion of new output ports
  //   with the indexes 1 and 2.
  //   All the existed connectes below the new port 2 would be deleted and
  //   re-inserted with the new IDs (shifted by 2).

Code Example

For the usage see examples/dynamic_ports.

Locked Nodes and Connections

It is possible to completely disable or “freeze” the nodes. This would make them insensitive to moving and selecting events with the mouse.

In order to achieve such a behavior set specific flags and return from your graph model:

nodeFlags(NodeId nodeId) const override
  auto basicFlags = DataFlowGraphModel::nodeFlags(nodeId);

  if (_nodesLocked)
    basicFlags |= NodeFlag::Locked;

  return basicFlags;

Disabled Connection Detaching

For disabling detaching the connections from certain nodes override the function virtual bool AbstractGraphModel::detachPossible(ConnectionId const) const. The default implementaion always returns true.

Code Example

For the usage see examples/lock_nodes_and_connections.

Data Propagation

Data-propagating classes add extra funtionality to the basic AbstractGraphModel which allows them to push the data from node to node upon creating a connection.

The chain starts from the instance of a NodeDelegateModel. It emits a Qt signal dataUpdated(PortIndex). We always assume that the data is emitted from one of the right hand side ports (PortType::Out).

Then the function DataFlowGraphModel::onOutPortDataUpdated(NodeId, PortIndex) comes into play. It reads the data from the output port, collects all the attached connections for the given PortIndex and sets the data to the connected nodes using DataFlowGraphModel::setPortData. After setting the data to the input delegate model via NodeDelegateModel::setInData(...) we emit the signal inPortDataWasSet(nodeId, portType, portIndex). The signal is used to redraw the receiver node and could be hooked up for other user’s purposes.


// Source Delegate Model -> source NodeId
DataFlowGraphModel::onOutPortDataUpdated(NodeId, PortIndex)

// soure NodeId -> target NodeId

// target NodeId -> target Delegate Model
NodeDelegateModel::setInData(NodeData, portIndex)


Headless Mode

The class AbstractGraphModel is independent of any scenes or visualization windows. It is possible to instantiate a descendant of this abstract class and populate the graph model.

Any instantiated BasicGraphicsScene could be also used without attaching it to a dedicated GraphicsView.

Code Example

See examples/calculator/headless_main.cpp. In this file we instantiate just a DataFlowGraphModel and load a pre-saved calculator graph structure into it. The model is able to compute the results if the user modifies the inputs in the code.